Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Thank You's in order

I just wanted to thank everyone who came out to the show and made it quite a success - we couldn't continue to make music if it weren't for all of you who support us! It is turnouts like that, especially in small venues, that make every moment of running around like a chicken with my head cut off worth it. And also a big thank you to Dan Olmshenk for helping us whenever we need it. You rock man. Like I said, it was a wonderful success for planning a larger show - that keeps me very optimistic that it is possible for us to do this. We'll probably have a little break here to recuperate and get a few things in order - hopefully write some new material, and also get more of the rock opera put together. I'm also trying to throw together a showcase like show at the Acadia Cafe, with a bunch of fellow musicians - including Eli Ratner and Aaron Blum (who both did an awesome job btw).

In other news, I am also working on a series of digital drawings/paintings that will hopefully lead to some kind of gallery showing. Nothing big, just a nice little side project to show what I'm interested in (on top of every other freakin thing I'm working on). So of course there is no finish date set (although I hope it is by the end of the summer), I just can't commit enough time to side projects to ensure their completion in a timely matter. But I will throw a few preview sketches up here in a moment.


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