Just a heads up, that Cds are in and ready to be sold. Now, before you jump the gun and start barrading me to purchase them, here are a few things to keep in mind.
1. We WILL be having a Cd release show this month, so info on that will be up this weekend, so you can come and purchase the Cd there.
2. If you cannot make it to the show, I will definitely get one to you if you are in the immediate area (ie, bring it personally, etc).
3. If you are not close to where I live, I am currently setting up a system to purchase online, and then the Cd can be shipped to you. More info on that this weekend as well.
4. No, just because you are family, does not mean you get a free cd =P. BUT! Tony and I will personally autograph your copy if you so wish.
5. PLEASE - I beg of anyone who purchases the Cd to NOT burn it for other people. Tony and I are not a big money making corporation or label. We are poor college students who have fronted the money and worked really hard on producing this Cd. The distribute it, when it is VERY affordable and would help us out, for free would just be a slap in the face...and so help me I will hunt you down and kick the living shi--ah...hehe. Yeah, just please be kind to emerging artists. That goes for all of them out there, not just us. It's already severely difficult to make it in the business. Now, if we were a huge contract signed band, getting a big paycheck anyway, we would understand if you wanted to share the music with people. Of course, we would still encourage the cd buy, or online, but we ourselves can see the temptation to get sweet sweet music for free. Thanks!
ANYHOO - sorry about the rant, but some people do like to ruin it for the rest of us. Thanks for the support everyone! You guys Rokk!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Bringing you up to speed
Ah, so much going on and so much on my mind these days. I thought I should bring all of you who even bother to glance at my blog, up to speed then. First order of business:
Our band name has changed from the legendary 'RawSugar' to 'RisingSide' (and I know what your thinking), due to stupid california cover band conflicts. But, screw that, we changed our name and are good for life on this one. So with that change, we are official on our CD as well. We will be recieving our CDs from CopyCats Media this week, and then will have info on how to purchase said CDs on here, and on our myspace (I know for a fact it will be available for download on iTunes, and CDbaby). Also, an official band website is being concieved in my mind, and will be birthed hopefully soon. The CD release party and show will HOPEFULLY be on the 29th of September, but I will be able to confirm this tomorrow at some time late in the evening. Also looking to make some pages on other band/music support sites as well and will let you know about it on here.
RisingSidewalks.com has been at a standstill, yet again (many apologies), but my writer has not been getting me the script I have requested. But I can understand he has been busy as well, with new jobs and a new apartment and a new kitty (^_^). So, if I don't get one from him in the next few days, I will take over writing so I can update for next week (until he can get stuff in order and come back). I am also in the process of redesigning the site as well. I've been learning Fireworks so I can take over site tech stuff, but that might not go so well. So either the Huffman will keep up with it, or I might recruit my buddy Blake to be involved. We shall see.
I'm in advanced Animation at school this semester, and a lot of my time I suspect will go to that class. I have several small projects, as well as a large one ('bout 4.5 minutes) to work on. I am going to put my project from last year on here for you guys to laugh at very soon, as I got a webcam and can now record stuff and put it up. I still am videocameraless and also can't find the quicktime video, just the DVD of the work. ANYHOO, this will be funfunfun, but crazywork all ovah the place.
SO AS YOU CAN SEE. I am busybusy, but I'm trying to figure things out. Tony and I have to set up Fall show dates and all that jazz, and I got my other classes, and work, and tae kwon do stuff, and OMG IM GOING TO GO CRAZY. But fear not! I will still attempt to keep all of you informed on my sanity. And by all of you, I mean maybe one - or not a single freakin person who reads this - but ya know, whoteva.
Our band name has changed from the legendary 'RawSugar' to 'RisingSide' (and I know what your thinking), due to stupid california cover band conflicts. But, screw that, we changed our name and are good for life on this one. So with that change, we are official on our CD as well. We will be recieving our CDs from CopyCats Media this week, and then will have info on how to purchase said CDs on here, and on our myspace (I know for a fact it will be available for download on iTunes, and CDbaby). Also, an official band website is being concieved in my mind, and will be birthed hopefully soon. The CD release party and show will HOPEFULLY be on the 29th of September, but I will be able to confirm this tomorrow at some time late in the evening. Also looking to make some pages on other band/music support sites as well and will let you know about it on here.
RisingSidewalks.com has been at a standstill, yet again (many apologies), but my writer has not been getting me the script I have requested. But I can understand he has been busy as well, with new jobs and a new apartment and a new kitty (^_^). So, if I don't get one from him in the next few days, I will take over writing so I can update for next week (until he can get stuff in order and come back). I am also in the process of redesigning the site as well. I've been learning Fireworks so I can take over site tech stuff, but that might not go so well. So either the Huffman will keep up with it, or I might recruit my buddy Blake to be involved. We shall see.
I'm in advanced Animation at school this semester, and a lot of my time I suspect will go to that class. I have several small projects, as well as a large one ('bout 4.5 minutes) to work on. I am going to put my project from last year on here for you guys to laugh at very soon, as I got a webcam and can now record stuff and put it up. I still am videocameraless and also can't find the quicktime video, just the DVD of the work. ANYHOO, this will be funfunfun, but crazywork all ovah the place.
SO AS YOU CAN SEE. I am busybusy, but I'm trying to figure things out. Tony and I have to set up Fall show dates and all that jazz, and I got my other classes, and work, and tae kwon do stuff, and OMG IM GOING TO GO CRAZY. But fear not! I will still attempt to keep all of you informed on my sanity. And by all of you, I mean maybe one - or not a single freakin person who reads this - but ya know, whoteva.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Alrighty, Alrighty! For all you cats that are interested, I recently finished the CD this weekend. Art is practically all finished...a tase is posted above. I need to do a little more arranging, etc on that end, but it is pretty much ready for duplication and packaging =D. I will give you all a heads up when and where you can purchase them when they are ready. So with that, I shall bid you adieu.
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